Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Grandmother's Gathering for Gitchigaaming on Madeline Island

I take a deep breath as I think and feel for where to start in sharing about this remarkable experience. Remarkable doesn't do justice, no words really can and yet I am compelled to make an effort as it is to be shared.

Forty-eight Elder women from 12 states gathered on Madeline Island August 12th-15th in appreciation of Gitchigaaming (Lake Superior) and in celebration of Elder Women wisdom. Ah, I am sighing again. Those of you who participated understand why. The experience touched a very deep place in our hearts, in our spirits. Moved us at our very core. It was beautiful, they were beautiful, the Lake was beautiful, the community that attended the Inter-generational Day were beautiful. I think you are catching on...

We gathered in intimate talking circles each day where we focused our intention and attention on our connection with Lake Superior (and or other sacred bodies of water that were precious to us), our connection with the water within our bodies and how water is the life force connecting all of us with one another and the earth. We expressed our appreciation for one another and The Lake through the process of Gifting. We visited Lake Superior everyday, each day in a different way. We engaged in sacred ceremony and we listened. We listened. We listened. We listened to one another, to the earth, to the water. We listened to the water, we loved the water, we held her and she us. And we shared the wisdom gifted to us with one another and the community of people that gathered on the Inter-generational day. Something big happened that day and each day we gathered, something big is still happening and it is vitality, it is joy, it is truth, it is beauty, it is cooperation, it is love, it is love, it is love.

Please join me at the Duluth Holistic Health Expo at the DECC in October where I will share in greater detail the impact this gathering had on me and on others, the wisdom that came forward during the Inter-generational day and the gifts that continue to unfold in the wake of the wave that we co-created with Lake Superior, with the Earth, Spirit and our hearts. Discover the power of your thoughts, words, feelings and intention and how you can put them into service for your greatest good and for that of the water. Thank you, thank you, thank you...Erin

1 comment:

Kate Garvey said...

Thank you for all the work you did behind the scenes to make this such a sacred event. Many blessings dear one.