Wow! I can't believe how quickly summer has flowed. Do you feel that too? It has been incredible! I experienced so much personal growth and transformation. I feel like the plant growing in my kitchen. It is sooo very tall right now, one of its branches boldly reaching ever higher. Okay, beginning to sound like Star Trek, but seriously that is how I feel. Why? I think a great deal has to do with the people I have met this summer and the experiences that we shared. Remember back in July~ I invited you to join me in the 2010 Day of Toning for Personal and Planetary Healing? Did you have a chance to do that? If so, please respond with your experience, I'd love to hear from you.
For those of you who missed that invite, I engaged in a 9 Day Sound Healing Intensive this summer in Loveland Colorado with Sound Healing Master Jonathan Goldman and 90 spectacular beings from 14 countries. It was amazing! The Day of Toning occurred midway through our training. We really worked our way up to this day, preparing emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically without even knowing we were doing so- yeah, Jonathan is that good. We began each day at 7am with meditation and toning and we did not end our day until 10 pm. I am buzzing just thinking about it! We really co-created a strong net of light for one another and our planet.
The night before our Day of Toning, several of us joined Jim Albani, Day of Toning Mastermind, in helping to prepare the space. Ready for this all of you Gregg Bradden and Quantum Physics fans, Jim had created life size sacred geometrical forms that participants could sit inside of and meditate. I have to say that I was blown away by each of them, they really held their own unique essence and within them, I journeyed deep and went places that I have never been. But, what really transformed our space was the creation of a Vesica Pisces out of dried corn kernels. A Vesica Pisces is a form created from 2 concentric circles, it is a sacred formation that is found in several spiritual and religious traditions around the world.
On the Day of Toning, we all entered the room cleansed by sage and our intention. We committed, before entering, to surrender our emotional blocks to spirit, to trust the process and share in gratitude for the experience and for all things. We essentially committed to making room for more love and light to flow through us not only for our own personal healing, but for a greater purpose~ for planetary healing. And the thing is, everyone of us~ 90 diverse individuals from around the world had offered a cosmic YES! when they committed to attending the Intensive, their cosmic YES! was for that greater purpose, it was for the planet. It was a YES! to this evolutionary impulse that, on that day especially, was driving our very being. And with our toning the heart chakra vowel sound "Ah" for 12 continuous hours, with this intention of surrender, trust and gratitude partnered with the visualization of a planet that was healthy and well in every way, we co-created magic together.
If you have never been in a room with 90 people toning love from their hearts for 12 hours, well~ the best I can do with words is state that it was like being in a room full of angels singing. The harmonics and overtones that were created lifted us and the earth in a dynamic flow of light. It was the closest feeling I have ever had to unity consciousness. I did not know everyone's story and in the space we co-created, we let go of our stories and allowed truth to flow. I can't talk about it without tears and apparently I am unable to write about it without tears too. Phew... I opened in my awareness a new sense of possibility for humanity. If this group of 90 people, speaking different languages, with different belief systems and faiths could co-create such an incredible experience together in such a short time, what could we do if even 10,000 people embraced the sacred vowel sounds and created a practice of toning them for their personal transformation and for that of the planet? I have shivers all over, as I know it is possible!
I will be sharing some of Jonathan's teachings and my experiences with toning in an Introduction to Toning the Sacred Vowel Sounds Workshop in November. Details coming soon. Come and explore with me!
Want to join others in toning or learn about how the 2009 Day of Toning affected Global Consciousness? Check out Jonathan's Temple of Sacred Sound at http://www.healingsounds.com/sounds/wshdResults2009.asp
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