April 23rd, 9-11 am
$20 Registration Required. Space is limited. Contact Jodi to register- 218.940.1484
Somatics education uses neuro-muscular reprogramming techniques that get at the source of the problem of tight or dysfunctional muscles which involves changing the programming of how the brain communicates to the muscle. The class is appropriate for all fitness levels and offers a set of gentle exercises that you can do on your own at home. This is a medication-free way to prevent and alleviate pain, chronic tension, and stiffness. Most exercises will be done lying on the floor, with small amounts of walking and observing that can be modified for those with limitations.
From there we will progress to therapeutic yoga techniques, increasing load and movement. We will then progress to incorporating principles into classic Asana.
Each month we will look at a new area of the body. This months focus is low back and hips.
Awakened Wisdom Experiences
April 23rd, 11:15-12:45 pm
$15 Registration required. Space is limited. Contact Jodi to register.
Discover ways to awaken your life, experience support, and learn with and from other interested souls in the process.
• Become actively engaged in creating the relationships, purpose, resources and quality of life you desire.
• Learn how to respond in a good way to what happens in all aspects of your life.
• Live from the wisdom and energy of your Divine Essence.
• Learn how to create beauty through every thought, word, and action.
• Connect to the Wisdom Field to inform you in what is needed.
Each month we will explore a concept from the teachings of Patrick Ryan from Awakened Wisdom. This month we will explore The Wisdom Field. What is the Wisdom Field? How do we tap into the Wisdom Field?
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