We are in full swing of the election season... just in case you've missed this somehow.
Is it just me or do the campaigns seem more negative than usual this year? I'm turned off more than ever by the candidates this year (yes, even the one's I support). So, so disheartened am I! Their ads are all about how bad the other guy is. Why don't they just tell us what they stand for and what they're going to do if elected? Worse yet, we all get wrapped up in this. It's challenging not to.
In this time, when negative campaign ads run as rampant as bunnies on park point, let's all focus on sending positive thoughts to our political leaders. Now I know that this can require a significant shift in thinking. Just don't get wrapped up in who you want to win or who you want to see go down. Focus on the idea of political leaders that have our country, state, (and while we're at it, world's) highest good as their agenda. I personally don't care so much if they're Democrats, Republicans, or Independents. Who actually knows "Joe" and has his/our best interest in their heart? Is their anyone out there???
Meditate for peace, honest politicians, qualified leaders.
Please do your part and cast your informed vote during this important upcoming election. Do a little research. Vote for issues that matter to you!
Please do your part and cast your informed vote during this important upcoming election. Do a little research. Vote for issues that matter to you!
In peace, Jodi
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